Friday, July 2, 2010

The Beginning

As this is the beginning of the blog I decided it would only be appropriate to make the first entry about how this journey started.
In the first week of May my husband and I had been living in Alberta for a month. We had just moved into our first Alberta apartment, a basement with adequate light and fairly new construction. I was working as an interior design assistant with a company called Hot Mama Design, and we had joked about how it would only be appropriate if I was pregnant (my boss has two children). It was then that I began to feel...differently. My nose became hypersensitive, I could smell things I never knew I would be able to smell. Like the smell of smoke from two years ago when there were junkies living in our apartment. Or the smell of sausage my husband so graciously cooked for dinner, before I had even entered the front door (to his dismay I thought it was disgusting). I found foods I had once loved to be revolting. My size 2 jeans wouldn't zip up...infact none of my jeans felt comfortable zipped up. I was as bloated as a whale. I felt hot randomly, one moment I would be fine and the next I would be sweltering! This was particularily out of character as I am always freezing. I also would randomly feel pains similar to cramps, but somehow different. It hadn't really occured to me until Hot Mama (my boss) joked that I was pregnant. She lovingly pressured me into taking a test, and so I bought a double pack pregnancy test.
I waited a couple of days, and took one around the 6th of May. Negative. My symptoms kept on, and by May 10th I couldn't wait any longer. I paced impatiently for a minute, determined not to look at it until I had waited for the correct amount of time. I tried to think about what we would do if we were pregnant. And then I caved. I ran back to the bathroom, flipped the test upside and stared. The horizontal line came up clear and dark, I remember feeling a mix of releif and disappointment. With a million thoughts running through my mind I stood there staring at the test and to my amazement a faint red line appeared vertically. I blinked, said "What?!" gave a little shriek and ran down the hall and back up it again.
Within minutes I flew down to Hot Mama's house, showed her the test and asked a million questions about the accuracy and what that strange little line meant. She assured me that if it had showed up there was no way it would be wrong. There was nothing left to do but wait until the 15th to see if a period came or not.
Well, it didn't come. And that was that, Eric and I were going to have a baby just after our one year anniversary.
And that was how this all began.

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