Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well I disappeared for a while there, it's already August 31st. Summer came and went, though it really had hardly arrived before it left. The season feels like fall and I bundle myself up before I head out. How did this happen so quickly? How have I come to the end of my fifth month being pregnant? It seems like yesterday that I found out.
What have I been doing? I hardly even have a worthwhile excuse. I have done some temporary receptionist positions, filling in for companies who need extra help or have employees on vacation. Getting up at 6am, driving for 45 minutes one way and not getting home until 5:45pm became too long of a day. Although the work was good and the pay was good, the day was so long and the drive usually bumped me over the egde. I have zero tolerance for Calgary drivers, they just don't drive rationally.
Anyways, with a 20 week bump which looks more like a 26 week bump I have decided to go back to waitressing. A five minute walk is more appealing than a fourty-five minute drive, just as casual wear is more appealing than corporate wear. I am hoping for some good tips.
As the time has gone by I've made from new friends from church who are young married's with kids. It's comforting to have them, I never really imagined I would be pregnant away from my sisters and mother. For a while it was depressing to be pregnant and across the country from my family but I'm feeling less lonely now.
The baby seems huge. The baby grows and grows, and moves and kicks and bumps around in there. It is so busy at times I feel as though it's going to bump right out of me into the world. I enjoy speculating about it's secret life, its exercises and activies. I meet with the midwives tomorrow, and we'll decide from there whether to go in for the ultrasound or not. We are trying to determine the possibility of twins, the possibility of my dates being incorrect. I have a feeling that the baby is just going to be a big one. I also feel that this baby is a girl. I don't know why, but I just know she is.
Tonight is spaghetti night, and I've baked cheese biscuits to go with it. Yum!