It has been a really long time since I blogged. I really should get back at it considering I'm due on the 21st!
A lot has changed, my husband I moved to a larger apartment. Then he lost his job, and I finished working. I was in a very small car accident and received accident benefits (which I have been enjoying). I've had false labour like you wouldn't believe, braxton hicks and cramping since November. I had four hours of false labour two weeks ago, and woke up the next morning with stretch marks that didn't previously exist and a fully dropped baby. I was not impressed, the stretch marks came in on my sides, under my belly and even on the under side of my boobs!
I've been thinking this baby is coming more times than I can count in the past month. Some days it made me excited, other days worried. Sometimes it was just plain depressing and I found myself telling this little babe to either get its boney butt out here already or screw off!
I had an array of dreams about laboring alone, and laboring quickly, with a fat and early baby girl. At that time I had no girls names, and I had no idea what I would do if I had too fast of a birth for the midwives. I researched what to do in an unassisted birth as my sister suggested, and those dreams haven't come back since. We've also found a girls name, funny how that happens.
I also had a hard time visualizing having my mother and sisters here for the birth - which has always been the plan. I also had a hard time having the birth tub set up. Having made it 39 weeks this has been easier to visualize everything, my anxiety about being early has nearly gone. All this baby needs to do is wait for my mother and sisters to come, only a couple more days!!