It's a funny thing when your breasts have never leaked or produced any milk before and then all of the sudden they do. You look at them differently... all of a sudden they are not just breasts for being sexy. It was kind of a maternal smack in the face(but not a bad one).
My husband thinks its particularily amusing and enjoys squeezing me or squishing me and then laughing and saying things like 'you're leaking' 'leaky boob' and other things.
I learned today that if you express or pump while you are pregnant your body on produces colostrum until after the baby is born. I think that's pretty cool.
I also learned that Good Mama's are now making a diaper called 'The One' which doesn't need a cover. I'd be interested on how leak proof they are.
I have Good Mama's, but the original ones and my mother in law has been knitting up a storm of leggies and soakers for me. Super exciting!
I've added a photo of my belly at 20 weeks for your pleasure.

By the way, I have had a total of 879 views on my blog. Wow! I didn't even blog for a whole month (fail).